Mon. Mar 10th, 2025

David Black is the newest $100,000 winner of the 100X The Cash game to have been announced by the North Carolina Lottery. He belongs to Newton that is 55 miles northwest of Charlotte.

The luck winner purchased a $20 100X The Cash ticket from the Buffalo Shoals Supermarket & H. The supermarket is located on Buffalo Shoals Road. All this information was tweeted by the State lottery on its official Twitter page.

People normally talk about buying mansions, luxury cars, or investments when it comes to their lottery winnings. But that’s not the case with this latest winner in North Carolina who won $100,000. It will surprise many to know what David has in store for his windfall. Not many would have imagined that David would want to spend his winnings on having his driveway paved. But that’s a reality, David wants to build a driveway and has already worked out the cost of having it paved.

He is one of those very few winners who have very simple desires and wants. Anyone who wins a windfall like that overnight would never think of doing something as simple as this with it. David really has got his priorities straight unlike many other lottery winners who just don’t know what to do with their winnings. There is sufficient reason to believe that David is not one of those who will waste their winnings only to lament later.

David has already received his cash money from the lottery headquarters that is located in Raleigh. The cash amounted to $70,756 after all state and federal tax deductions as was revealed by the lottery officials.

According to an estimate for a driveway given by Home Advisor, it would cost him anywhere between $2,381 and $6,489. With these rough estimates, David would be left behind with an ample amount to do something else. Maybe he could think about doing something extravagant. Black would save up approximately $65,000 after the driveway cost is deducted and with this amount he wants a pool. That sure sounds quite nice, lavish, and appeasing. With Covid-19 outdoor activities have become quite restricted so having a pool at home would be a nice change from the monotony. What is better than swimming from the comforts of your home.

Building a pool costs roughly around $44,575 so this will leave still leave David with $20,000.

He could either dissipate and spend it on something temporary or he could think about something long-term. He wants to have this amount work out for him, he can invest it by maybe picking up an investment vehicle. If he is liberal with his investments he can get up to 20% returns on them. With this amount, he can luxuriously plan a holiday with his family.

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